The New Age of Analytics

Dear Globalytica Customer,

Welcome to the first edition of The Analytic Insider. We created this newsletter as an authoritative source of information in the world of analytics for both analysts and non-analysts.

Each month we will feature a blog written by a Globalytica associate about current trends and topics, and will share educational articles. Our dedicated team of professional analysts has more than 30 years’ experience creating and providing instruction in the field of analytics. In addition, you will receive updates and exclusive offers about future Globalytica training courses and events with links for easy registration.

Your professional growth is our number one priority. We welcome your input and suggestions and hope you will visit the comments section to share your feedback. Please feel free to share this newsletter with co-workers, peers, and others. If at any point you no longer wish to receive this newsletter, just click the unsubscribe link located at the bottom of each edition.

Yours in partnership,

The Globalytica Team.

The New Age of Analytics

by: Randy Pherson, CEO Globalytica

Recent news headlines about the role of big data in marketing and finance-and even in finding a possible cure for Ebola-have shed new light on the growing field of analytics. Experts estimate that the amount of data available today would circle the earth six times, and the data universe continues to expand at an astronomical rate. As our insatiable need for information grows, this new frontier of big data opens many doors and possibilities. But can big data, by itself, solve the world’s problems? Or should it be paired with structured  analytic techniques to frame the questions, mine the output, and make sense of the answers?

This New Age of Analytics requires organizations to reevaluate the true purpose and meaning of data analysis. Consider big data as a river that flows through every department of an organization. Understanding how to harness and exploit the power of this river can lead to identifying and discovering patterns, trends, and insights to make better decisions leading to increased revenues and productivity.

But big data is just bits and bytes without skilled analysts to frame the query and interpret the output. Techniques such as Starbursting and Venn Analysis can help you get started, Analysis of Competing Hypothesis can help you focus on the most diagnostic evidence, and Argument Mapping can help you construct a compelling case. The analyst’s role entails a structured approach, collaboration within the organization, and sound decision making. This New Age of Analytics requires the pairing of big data with rigorous analytic processes. These processes place the issue in context, identify the key questions, and package the results of big data queries. This helps leaders optimize decision making and support robust strategic planning.

Register Today For Diagnostic Structured Analytic Techniques (DSAT)

Online Training Course

Course Dates: December 2, 4, 9, 11

Register before November 21 to Receive a 50% Discount

Experience analytic tools and techniques. Question preconceived notions. Identify the dynamics of an issue or problem. Learn how to re-frame questions to get better answers. Test your  hypotheses. Refine your thinking. Explain the outcome to your boss, or coworker. These techniques, developed and taught by former intelligence officers, uncover information gaps and inform future choices. Students can take a final exam to receive a Certificate in Diagnostic Structured Analytic Techniques.

Duration: Four 3-hr evening sessions

Registration Link

Certificate Program

Our certificate courses are designed to improve the quality of analytic and critical thinking skills.


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